Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Jem Dies and the racer is collected

Wed. 22.8.12 - Today proved to be Jem's last day. He was the one with the damaged leg in my last blog. He was settled in a little dish, to support him, and wrapped up well, and sat in a box in the garden, on top of the hospital in the dappled light of the trees but still getting some sun. I had hand-fed him some peanuts in the morning, but he was not very responsive to eating, and I wasn't sure if he was drinking, though I tried to give him sips every couple of hours or so.

While I wasn't attending to him he had the grille up on the carrying box so he was safe from other birds and predators. He lasted the day through but passed away about 5pm. RIP Jem, you were a brave little soldier. He went to his watery grave with sweet scented lavender under his wings. Maybe I should've taken him to the Wildlife Aid to be put to sleep.... poor little thing.

Shortly after the lady came to collect her racer. She said she lived in Buckinghamshire, and the bird had been released in Windsor just under a week ago for training. Windsor's about 30-40 miles away from here. So off he went home, and suddenly, I had no duck, no racer, no Jem.... but still my little Faith who is doing quite well really. I think she might be getting a bit better, but still very thin.

The racer just before he went home - his eye seemingly a bit improved just by bathing it
Pearl had a minute or two in the big wide world of the hutch's table, as Jose and Happy were on the ground, and I took her out. Autumn watched from the dovecote....
Jose was doing the crazy thing she does of pecking just under the door step. I don't know what she finds there, but she seems to want to do it, so I let her get on with it....

Happy nearly always stands or walks with her, if she is on the ground - he seems to understand she needs protecting...
And he just waited - he didn't join in the peck-fest
Thurs, 23.8.12 - I've been very busy but have remembered to take Pearl's photo ....

Friday 24.8.12 - And here's today's ....
Sat. 25th August - Pearl screams (like all teenagers!)....probably for food! Not sure if you can see her open beak in this photo....
And here's the twins.... Spring first...
They are four weeks old now (barring a day) - here's Autumn
Did I say that I think Autumn is the oldest? Only by a day or so of course. Here's a close up of one of them - they still have that cute fluffy punky down on their heads

Happy likes to sit in the nest and coo - I think he is trying to attract Jose to lay again. Here I peeped through the doorway and caught Happy on the nest with Pearl, and Jose on the steps in the background.
Pearl can also now climb up the steps, and I tried to take her photo... but she jumped down!
Sun.26th August

My daughter's birthday - we had a picnic by the lake - with a dove banner!!!
Pearl's daily photo!
Monday 27th August 12 - Mummy Jose and Daddy Happy like to be on the steps. Pearl is now nearly grown-up - she'll be four weeks on Thursday

Pearl regains the step, and tired mummy Jose has a rest
Tues 28th Aug 12 - Remember Cloud? She is still around, and the troubles of the spring have been forgotten. She's now a beautiful healthy bird - seen here on the dovecote. Flash would never have allowed her to perch there, but Sky and Summer are more laid back.
Pearl comes shyly out of her hutchy-home......for the first time of her own accord...
And is quickly escorted back in by Happy... you're too young to go out alone!
All my babies will be fledging soon...... so come back soon!
To be cont....


Fennie said...

Wonderful and happy blog, Faith. Best wishes to all the doves. Any news of Fennie?

Lesa said...

Hey! It's always wonderful to look at your birds and marvel at the wonderful care you give them. I'm very fond of your portrait pictures, so beautiful! Thanks again for all that you do and share with us.

Linda Percival said...

This really made me laugh and smile :-) I so look forward to reading your posts! The hedgehog I took to Wildlife Aid last Tuesday 21st is fine now! Its a big male, had couple of ticks, sores on its feet and an old injury of left broken hind leg that had healed. Hence ths painful slow walking. They want me to collect him to put back in the garden as he was doing so well here, and means it will keep the slugs down! xx

CAMILLA said...

Lovely post Faith, and I love seeing and catching up with all your darling birds. Sorry to hear about Jem but you did your best for her with all your wonderful caring.

Yes, any news of Fennie bird Faith?

How lovely to have a birthday treat by the lake for your daughter, love the Dove banner.

Faith said...

Thanks for all your comments. Fennie, your namesake is fine, truly - dives in there for the peanuts every day! Lesa, your namesake is fine too - pretty sure he's got a nest.

Linda, I'm so glad about the hedgehog - when you collect him, let's meet up!

Camilla, yes we had a lovely picnic - the only good day sandwiched between two bad ones, so we were lucky!

Guernsey Girl said...

You have faith, Faith - that's what really matters...