16th Sept.'11 - The picture above was taken in the garden today - one of those lovely warm dreamy Indian Summer afternoons when the doves laze, take baths and peck on the lawn - you can just see Mummy Omo or Daddy Flash in the dovecote window. The egg or eggs hatched a week ago - Friday the 9th and on Tuesday I saw Omo peek her head out, take a good look round, then fly out. Flash didn't replace her so I grabbed the steps and the opportunity to look inside the nest. Two babies! Both covered in yellow down and plumptious! I could see them well, but they were so small this is all the camera could get I'm afraid, and of course I was trying to be quick in case Omo came back!
and here is big sibling, Fairy - aged approx 11 weeks
There is an excellent website showing the day to day growth of a baby pigeon here - from day 1 to day 31 I think it is : http://www.speedpigeon.com/ - see the left hand side panel.
And here we have my two squabs at about 5 days old - the eldest is starting to open it's eyes.
And here she is now, ringed by me, still with her flock - a bit scruffy, but a true survivor!
Even two at a time - it reminded me of the good old days when you were allowed to feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square. Do you remember the men selling the little bags of food?
And now here are the babies again - 6 days old (below) Sorry I don't think the flash worked that time on my camera, and I don't like to take too many photos in case it upsets them.
Their story will continue when I get back.
Absolutely brilliant :)
I discovered your blog in the summer when I first got my doves and I enjoy reading about your feathered family. I removed the net on my dovecote after 8 weeks and unfortunately have lost three in the past week - I don't know if it's maybe to a hawk? They have just disappeared into thin air - it's SO upsetting. I'd like to keep in touch as we are in the same county and it would be so useful to ask your advice if I may! Liz
Hi Liz, of course keep in touch! I will be happy to help where I can and thank you so much for reading my blog. I know exactly how you feel about the doves, but unfortunately the hawks are always with us. The dovecote sellers don't tell you about them!!! I hope they won't take all your doves - best wishes to you, and them.
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